How to Use Instagram for Your Business

Every day, Instagram converts new followers - even faster than Facebook. Instagram allows users and brands to publish photo and video content and share it to millions of users. We often find moments of life captured with a smartphone or tablet. Instagram for business, B2B or B2C, brings the opportunity to enhance the brand image and create qualitative content. Some companies take the opportunity to humanize a brand or a company with a social network with strong commitment. To help you with leveling up your Instagram marketing game of businesses, certain companies provide them with the effective tips on how to buy Instagram followers.

Why use Instagram for business?

We could list a number of arguments, but the numbers are more telling and will help you understand why use Instagram for business. The following points are a proof that will help businesses in increasing or getting the real Instagram followers.

  • A large active audience

  • More than 700 million users per month

  • More 300 million users per day

  • More 4.2 billion likes per day

  • More 95 million photos or videos published daily

  • More 216,000 photos published every second

The engagement rate on Instagram is the highest of all social networks. It is far superior to Facebook or Twitter in particular. Brands take the opportunity to get new fans and increase their audience.
  • 15 times more commitment than Facebook

  • 20 times more commitment than Twitter

  • 4.21% commitment rate on branded publications

  • 2.63 times more corporate accounts with over 100,000 followers

  • The visual content is much better than textual content.

  • 90% of the information sent to the brain and retained is visual

  • 40% of people respond better to visual content and assimilate it better

  • 93% of the communication is nonverbal

  • 80% of consumers say they remember what they see compared to what they hear or read

How to use Instagram for businesses?
  • Create and set up an Instagram account for businesses

  • Like all pages of social networks, it is necessary to set up an Instagram account for businesses. The management of an account is mainly via the mobile.

  • Choose an account name that will be easy to find and remember (username identical to a Facebook page, brand name, name related to your activity).

  • Link your Instagram page with other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. You can then publish on several accounts the same content (even if it is not recommended), but above all you will be more visible for your subscribers who follow you on other social networks

  • Add a biography: short description - presentation of your company, your offer or your values - integrate a branded hashtag

  • Add a link to your website.

  • Account animation

The animation of an Instagram account for companies must follow several objectives: gain visibility for your brand or your company, expand your community and generate commitment (likes, comments, visits to your website). To fulfill all of these goals, please follow these tips:
  1. Track pages of your partners, suppliers or even your customers. You will be able to follow their news, but also begin to create a faithful community. Comment and like from time to time their publications.

  2. Publish regularly good quality photos, ideally different content from your other social networks

  3. Show your Instagram page on other media: social networks, email signature, website.

  4. Write short and engaging descriptions about your publications

You have to obtain Instagram followers and likes from Mr. Insta and lure more following and likes.

Mr. Insta offers their clientele with effective tricks and measures on how to get real Instagram followers real quick and in no time.

For more information, visit


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